Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John Cabot High School

So all classes have started and it looks like it'll be interesting.

Baroque Rome and its Monuments- on-site, "the hardest part of this class is showing up at the right place on time," free admission to pricier musei and gallerie around the city, and no real workload, just a few presentations and short papers.

Western Civ- my history requirement because history has never been my friend. Looks like it will be a snooze. I fell asleep on syllabus day. ....

Advanced Comp- this professor's italiano is so unlike that of any of my other professors. No more baby italiano.. this is big kid modo, tempo, tono.. Pffssa Ada spoke for a straight hour and a half in rapidamente italiano senza i problemi. I think my head hurt when I left because I was concentrating so hard to comprehend. EEk, two native speakers in a class of six, plus a pffssa who isn't going down without a fight. On the first day of class she made me describe in detail what a FABLE is. I def can't even tell you that in English, let alone nella lingua del questo paese. Forse che si fa quello che si puó, I guess. Fra quattro mesi ovviamente io saró sfortunata perché la mia lingua avró stato bene ma oggi e qui io vorrei qualcosa da bere or something.

Pathways of Faith- Msgr. Wells is some honcho at the Vatican and said he'd get us an audience with the pope. Sweeet! Scavi tour, too. Plus he seems to love ND- perhaps because Fr. Jenkins hired him to teach us? Who cares, this class will be awesome with all the churches we're going to visit and all the things we wouldn't be able to see if he weren't teaching!

Ancient Rome and its Monuments- BRILLIANT professor. Really enthusiastic and I totally eat this up. On-site as well, meaning that class today was on Circo Massimo and next week is on the Palatine. Three hours of standing and taking notes, though.. might get old. But who cares. This is like being on a really educational tour and just like my Baroque class, it seems SWEET.

More to come. Sleep calls. Ciao!


Kalynochka said...

Advanced comp: I get what you mean, its like me and Russ 301. I do understand what she says, but then the words that come out of my mouth are not up to par :(

Western Civ: those broad history classes are always a snooze cause....they're so broad! Will this be ancient, pre modern, or modern?

All other classes: JEALOUS! You get to see Ancient ruins too?!?!?!?! DAMN IT!! And awesome church tours?....oiiiiiii why did I take Russian and not Italian?....

Unknown said...

Cat! Your classes sound so interesting! That's great that you'll get to see so much of the city through them too-monuments, churches, etc. How fun! The advanced comp class sounds really intense, but you can do it :) I have faith in you!

Also, I would like to comment on how you, Michelle, and Mich all blogged on Wednesday...very coincidental. I'm slightly behind in my blog checking because of my Hydrology assignment that was due yesterday. But now it's Saturday, and we have the College Ball tonight, and I'm pretty sure any aspirations I had of getting work done have just completely disappeared. Oh well. Miss you lots!!!